Hegemonia Ingame images

Colonization ships flying through the Alpha system

Colonization ships (Space Opera Haegemonia Legion of Iron)

Other ingame image frome Alpha system

A volcanic planet in the Alpha system (Space Opera videogame Haegemonia Legions of Iron.

A pirate base attacked by the Legions or Iron

Attack of Christian Mertens' pirate base in the mission 2 of the main campaign of the game Haegemonia Legions of Iron.

Map of the Solar system

The map view in the Space Opera game Haegemonia Legions of Iron.

Selection screen between the missions where heroes and squads must be chosen

Selection screen between the missions on the videogam Haegemonia Legions of Iron.

Somewhere in deep space

Ingame image from the Space Opera videogame Haegemonia : The Legions of Iron.

The System Map in Haegemonia Legions of Irons

Another screen capture of the map view from the Space Opera videogame Haegemonia The Legions of Iron.