Patchs for Haegemonia : Legions of Iron and The Solon Heritage

Haegemonia patch 1.07

The patch 1.07 for the game Haegemonia Legions of Iron solves some problems with the Graphic cards ATI et correct a bug with the Bink reader in Windows 2000/XP and some bugs during the campaigns.

Download the patch 1.07 for the Space Opera Haegemonia Legions of Iron.

Haegemonia patch 1.09

The patch 1.09 for the Space Opera videogame Haegemonia : Legions of Iron ameliorates the AI, solves some bugs, add the multiplayers maps Scourge and Xmas and ameliorates the comptability between the different versions of the game.

Download the patch 1.09 for the game Haegemonia Legions of Iron.

Haegemonia patch 1.10

The patch 1.10 for Haegemonia : Legion of Iron correct the bug of invisible unites which appeared with the last graphic cards.

Download the patch 1.10 for Haegemonia Legions of Iron.